Mission image
Our mission is to raise a disciple making Church in every nation;  raise anointed men and women, disciples, soldiers and generals for God’s kingdom; save souls in thousands and millions through our programs is a top priority, radically reach out to lost ones at all cost; bringing good tiding of our Lord to the poor and the lost of the world.
We will feed, provide, care and shelter the homeless, less privileged, the poor, the needy, elderly, widows, fatherless and orphans through our many programs. We care for the spiritual and physical needs, to heal the broken hearted, loose the bonds, free the captive from prisons and dungeons, heal the sick, and bringing deliverance to the captive.
Through this church, we raise transformational leaders who will transform their nations by influencing the society through Godly principles and agenda.
  • Our Vision is to raise a generation of believers who are Hungry for God, spiritually alert and conscious of their spirituality in their Homes, jobs,in their spheres of contact. These are believers who are deliberate in their walk with GOD,, working and walking with all diligence. Disciples who will build and mold their own disciples, with a sole purpose of advancing the kingdom of God, making sure the gospel of our lord Jesus is preached to the outermost part of the world through every resources god has laid in our hands. Acts 1:8-But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

 Loving God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength is our highest purpose. We love him so passionately because he first loved us. "We love because he first loved us". .1 JOHN 4:19 

We Are a Lovers of God

 “We love and welcome the broken, distressed, those in despair and the deserted. We are all at some level of brokenness being mended by the Lord and his Spirit. We in God Welcome All Men (WIGWAM). WE believe God says come as you are, and it is his delight to help us become better and stronger Christians. God absolutely loves the broken and the contrite of heart.” (Galatians 3:28:There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.) We are a Home for the Broken 

We are a Home For The Broken

 “We are Kingdom minded. Jesus came to restore the Kingdom to us and teach us how to live in the fullness of the Kingdom’s provisions. We in turn invite all men and women (people) to repent and receive the Kingdom into their hearts and live out the God-ordained purposes in the Kingdom of God.” Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 

We Are Kingdom Minded
Visualiser of Interiors

 We love the nations – Our hearts yearn for the nations. We will keep going to reach the unreached and spread the message of the Kingdom in places distant and near. We continue to ask the Lord for the nations as our inheritance and the ends of the earth as our possession. 

A Church of The Nations

 “The church is a place of worship. The church will seek to make worship a daily experience in the lives of believers, Lively, exuberant, unashamed worship, creating an atmosphere for people to interact with God, resulting in transformation of worshipers. We will actively seek to raise up an altar of sacrifice to the Lord Jesus Christ” Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. 

We Are a Praying Church

 “We love the word of God. May we forever be thirsty for more of God’s word. We live by His word. We study and share His word. We proclaim His word. We hide His word in our hearts and we allow the word to keep us clean. Let’s love God together by loving and honoring His wonderful word.” Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. A Bible Believing Church 

A bible Believing Church

 The church is a place of worship. This church will seek to make worship a daily experience in the lives of believers. Lively, exuberant, unashamed worship, coupled with clear objectives of creating an atmosphere for people to interact with God resulting in transformation of the worshipers. We will actively seek to raise up an altar of sacrifice to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

We Are a Worshiping Church

 The mandate to reach the world will be at the core of this church. In addition to local evangelistic initiatives, we will seek to raise up leaders, to go into unconquered territories, especially in North Africa and the Middle East. Short-, medium- and long-term missions will be executed simultaneously. The world is our parish; the unreached our focus; the ends of the earth, our destination.” 

We Are a Mission Church

 We have accepted responsibility for our spheres of influence – The entrance of the Kingdom brings about transformation. So we see ourselves as agents of transformation in whatever sphere of influence we find our assignment. 

A Transformation Church
  • 1620 NW 38TH Avenue Lauderhill FL 33311, FLORIDA, U.S
  •  **SUNDAY -08:00 AM- 10:00 AM **WEDNESDAY -8:00 PM **FRIDAY -08:00 PM KOH ENUGU, NIGERIA 2nd Floor, Mayor Plaza, 217 Agbani Road, by Mayor Bus Stop, Enugu State, Nigeria. **WEDNESDAY-6:00 PM-8:00 PM **FRIDAY-6:00 PM-8:00 PM **SUNDAY-10:00 AM-12:00 PM

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